Wednesday 8 July 2009

After a day off

I managed to stay away from the allotment on Tuesday but was there for a few hours today, I've become a bit conscious of how many trips I was making, and at about 7.5 miles each way, it adds up to quite alot each week. So from now one will try to limit it so that I dont need bigger shoes for my carbon footprint !

The first ever batch of French Breakfast radish seem to be finished now, although theres some nice big ones left they've started to delevop boltchy marks, although these ones tasted ok.

Looks like the birds have been back, this young Black Beauty cougette plant was pulled up, I've replanted and watered it, hopefully it'll survive.

And here's the first little sign of the Purple Srouting broccoli bought from Greeba Nurseries and planted out late May.

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